Reviews & suggestions for punk rock fans.

New Single “K2” by Liquid Mike – Found on Bandcamp

Liquid Mike Drops “K2” from His Upcoming Album, Paul Bunyan’s Slingshot

Punk love is a unique breed. Like it’s music, it’s real and not about whimsical fairy tales of maidens waiting for a sh*tty prince to save them. Rather, it’s about smoking synthetic weed with the person you love in the back of a bus. “K2” by Liquid Mike, with its clash of symbols, rhythmic strumming, and rolling bass line, describes those sweet, young memories of pissed stayed pants due to too much ingestion. You know, feeling high on each other while simultaneously being high. Ain’t love grand?

The chorus is catchy, don’t let me forget that, and I particularly enjoyed the harmonious “ooos” found periodically in the tune. Overall, a killer song to promote his upcoming album, Paul Bunyan’s Slingshot, set to be released on February 2, 2024. You can preorder the album and find out a bit more about Liquid Mike, who hails himself from Marquette, Michigan, on his Bandcamp at –

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