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NEW SINGLE: “Pizza Toppings” by NEET and Tidy – Check Out on Spotify

New Love-Sick, Emo Tune Called “Pizza Toppings” by NEET and Tidy

The emotional charged song, “Pizza Toppings,” by Nashville based NEET and Tidy, appears to be written by a love-sick fool eager to reveal the chaotic mess he has found himself in, often caused by his own misdoings. The song was released on February 23, 2024 to promote their upcoming album Is This Progress. Catchy yet spliced with misery, the tune is a rhythmic journey of alcoholic destruction, bouncing you between distortion and clean tones, vocals that are sad with a slight tone of “well, fuck it – how much worse can it get?”

This is the first single since 2022 by the band comprised of Blaze KC at vocals, AJ Fuxa on bass, Cooper  Drumstickius playing drums, and lead guitarist, Davit Shivers. The plan is to continue releasing singles for the next couple months until the release the full album on April 19, 2024. Check ’em out and …

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