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The Best Bands Signed by SST Records that are NOT Black Flag

Unearthing Gems: The Unforgettable Bands of SST Records, Beyond Black Flag

SST Records, founded in 1978 by musician Greg Ginn, has been home to some of the most influential and groundbreaking bands in the punk and alternative music scenes. As one of the key players in the American independent record label movement, SST Records provided a platform for iconic bands such as Black Flag, for whom Greg Ginn was the guitarist.

Of course, it would be easy to go on and on about Greg Ginn and his role with both SST Records and Black Flag. However, not today. Today we wanna talk about the other bands that were signed by SST Records who are just as worthy to talk about.

Meat Puppets

Read about the Meat Puppets in books or articles and you will often see people struggling to classify the creative masterminds behind the band. They weren’t purely punk, but they embodied the essence of punk in an indescribable way. One might label their sound as psychedelic rock, yet traces of country melodies added a distinctive flair. Their style was truly unparalleled, and it’s no surprise that they were initially signed by SST Records.

Hüsker Dü

The innovative band called Hüsker Dü is known for their blend of punk rock and hardcore punk with melody, as well as their introspective and socially conscious lyrics. Probably one of their most popular albums, Zen Arcade, is another one of those legendary albums under the wing of SST Records. Released in 1984, it’s considered a landmark in alternative rock. It showcased the band’s musical and conceptual ambition, combining hardcore punk with elements of psychedelic rock and pop.

The Descendents

The Descendents is another one of those legendary bands every punk rock enthusiast should know. Milo Goes to College, which might be one of the finest debuts in punk rock history, was a result of the band signing with SST Records. A pivotal moment for their career and punk rock history.

Bad Brains

When hardcore was first starting out, Bad Brains were king. Known for the powerful live performances thanks to their lead singer, H.R., at the helm, Bad Brains resonated with fans and musicians in the hardcore community. Their album, I Against I, was thanks to SST Records in 1986. This album showcased the band’s versatility and musical proficiency, further solidifying their status as pioneers of hardcore punk.


When Black Flag was first starting out, so was the legendary (and my personal favorite) punk rock band – The Minutemen. Their role in shaping the punk rock scene can’t be ignored, especially their association with SST Records. As one of the first bands to sign with SST Records, their innovative and unapologetic approach to music garnered them a dedicated following.

What’s funny is the aforementioned Zen Arcade inspired The Minutemen to do a double album of their own resulting in Double Nickels on the Dime, a classic in its own right.

Dinosaur Jr.

A small piece of advice, wear earplugs when you see this band play live. It is actually the only time I’ve ever plugged my ears for a live show, and I still heard them clear as day. A stellar show but I digress.

While many are familiar with this phenomenal band, what some may not realize is that their iconic album You’re Living All Over Me was released by SST Records. This album is an absolute must-listen within the alternative rock genre and a pivotal achievement in the band’s history.


Formed in Hermosa Beach, the same area as The Descendents and Circle Jerks, Würm came into being under the guidance of Chuck Dukowski back in 1973. After a stint with Black Flag, Chuck returned to his roots with Würm when Black Flag took a break in 1982. This marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey for Würm, leading to the creation of the EP We’re Off / I’m Dead / Time Has Come Today and the LP Feast in 1985 via SST Records. Despite their limited discography, Würm’s music is nothing short of a captivating experience that resonates with the true spirit of punk rock.

And now, let’s end on a poor note

Sad to say, SST Records’ history does have a bit of controversy to it. To sum it up, Greg Ginn decided not to pay royalties, and safe to say many of the bands listed above weren’t too happy about that. Who would? To go further, Dinosaur Jr, Meat Puppets, and other bands like Sonic Youth (I know, not mentioned) all left SST Records due to unpaid royalties. So even though this label has hosted some of the most important bands in punk rock history, it’s tarnished a bit. But what punk story ends perfectly? Not this one.

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