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The Dead Boys: A Legendary Journey in Rock and Roll

Long Live the Dead Boys

The Dead Boys – often labeled as the punkiest of the punk bands from the early punk scene at CBGBs – have certainly left a legacy that is as disgusting as it is worthwhile. From sex acts on stage to stabbings, and everything in between, their story is one that you can’t forget and a story of punk that we can be proud of, I think. Anywho, here’s the story of the Dead Boys.

Formation of the Band: A Punk Rock Revolution

The Dead Boys were a group of fearless musicians who set out to challenge the norms of the world and music industry. In 3 years, with their wild and unpredictable stage presence, they quickly gained a reputation as one of punk rock’s most notorious acts. The band included Jimmy Zero at rhythm guitar, Jeff Magnum for bass, drummer Johnny Blitz, THE Cheetah Chrome playing lead guitar, and all led by Stiv Bators at vocals.

Before all that, they were a band called Frankenstein and met in Cleveland, Ohio. It wouldn’t be until they relocated to New York City in 1976 that they started calling themselves the Dead Boys. This move was done by the influence of Joey Ramone who helped get them a gig at CBGBs. By 1977, they would release their debut – Young, Loud, and Snotty which included the song “Song Reducer.” The debut has been declared one of the finest albums in punk history. We Have Come for Your Children, their second album, would drop in 1978. In true punk fashion, they broke up in 1979 due to pressure from their label, Sire Records, to change their sound and look.

The notorious, true Stories about the dead boys

The Stabbing: One of the craziest stories on the Dead Boys is when Johnny Blitz was stabbed and nearly died. The dude was knifed 5 times in the chest after getting into an altercation on Second Avenue in Manhattan. There was a benefit concert, and during it, John Belushi and Jerry Nolan (of the New York Dolls) performed with the Dead Boys.

Sex on Stage: If you know anything about Stiv Bators, you probably have heard about the time he received a blowjob on stage at CBGBs, and it’s no tall tale as there is photographic proof. It’s also mentioned in the book Please Kill Me: An Uncensored Oral History of Punk. And well, to tell the rest of the story, I figured I would let this cool article from the website of Please Kill Me explain, which goes on to say:

Then suddenly I noticed that a woman’s head was pressed up against the singer’s lower regions and people were screaming and laughing— one of the waitresses, Maureen, was giving Stiv a blow job onstage!

Yes, the first time I laid my eyes on Bators in person, he was part of one of the many stunts that would come to define his legacy. I did get a good look at him and the band sounded dangerous and great!

Please Kill Me Website

Notable Performances: Chaos Unleashed

It is clear, sexual acts included, when the Dead Boys took the stage, chaos ensued. Their live performances were electrifying and unpredictable, leaving audiences in awe and shock. The Dead Boys’ relentless energy and in-your-face attitude cemented their status as punk rock legends. Their impact on the punk scene was profound, inspiring countless musicians to embrace their own rebellious spirit. Peep it for yourself with the video below.

in the end: Embrace the Spirit of Rebellion

The Dead Boys were a pioneering punk rock band whose influence can be seen in the raw energy and attitude of their music. Their confrontational and rebellious approach to music, as well as their unapologetic and intense live performances, left a lasting impact on the punk genre. Additionally, their album Young, Loud, and Snotty is considered a classic in the punk rock canon, influencing countless bands and artists in the years that followed.

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