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NEW SINGLE (W/VIDEO): “Lookout” by Good Teal

Killer Video and Single to Hear from New Jersey Band, Good Teal

Good Teal delivers DIY from the video to the music with their latest release “Lookout.” Hailing from Union, New Jersey, the four-piece offers a raw, heavy sound that hits, and plenty of mayhem to endure. I’m especially eating up the chorus from their latest single, “Lookout,” which goes – “When I’m by myself/Who is looking out?/When I do my dirt/I don’t trust anyone/Lookout.” Fucking delicious.

When the band brought the single and video to my attention, I took the opportunity to ask about their name – Good Teal. They tell me the hope was to sound like a candy company or furniture store, non-threatening, and underneath this facade, masters of music that make them feel like giants.

Peep it for yourself by pressing play below.

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