Reviews & suggestions for punk rock fans.

NEW ALBUM: Shit On My Dick, Brother by Go Fuck Yourself – Found on Bandcamp

Bold Punk Album That Captures the Ethos of the Genre Through Action, Not Words

You read Shit On My Dick, Brother by Go Fuck Yourself, and you’re thinking it’s a joke, right? At least, when I first saw it, I thought so. Intrigued, I checked out the bio on Bandcamp and instantly fell for the trio punk band from Calgary, Canada. And before I go on about the album and the brilliance behind the damn thing, you should read it for yourself:

Calgary-based punk rock trio that takes “less-is-more” philosophy to its logical extreme. While their music is often surprising and clever, their pointlessly crude and super-pithy songwriting ensures that they will never be marketable, thus guaranteeing that anyone who listens to them is participating in a grassroots movement that rejects commercialism and prioritizes making art and having fun.

Talk about a fucking mission statement. Their bold approach should be a model for you freaks out there, misfits eager to make art for art’s sake. For that, we must appreciate the 30 minutes of complete comedic gold that their latest album produces. 

If the music alone was all you heard, you’d find it, as they say it, “clever and surprising,” most songs don’t even extend past the minute mark. And each holds up on its own, producing sly sounds, giving every instrument – whether it’s bass, drums, or guitar – a moment to shock.

Add the lyrics and you’re in for a non-stop laugh fest. Seriously, not a single song doesn’t end with the phrase “Go Fuck Yourself” and each time serves as a punch line that never stops giving. Plus, it’s easily now my top album to send to someone whom I am eager to annoy or anger. Let them read into that shit.

But together, the words and style make something unique and worthy which I want to label brilliant due to its simplicity and originality. To name a few, “Shitting on Piss, Pissing on Shit (The Portapotty Song)” opens with a captivating guitar riff, setting the tone for the entire album. “F.M.R.L.” which is just over 30 seconds perks these ears of mine with this nasty bass line in between alternating vocals. Loved me some “Hotel O’ Mormons (And You Can’t Escape)” which beyond the last song (we’ll get to it later) is the longest song on the album at 1 minute and 39 seconds with this killer guitar riff throughout it. “The Secret” comes in right before the final, a perfect jolly tune (probably my favorite) that appears to point out life’s shitty truth with a playful spirit.

And to end the album, they have a 15-minute song called “Rub Dick on Face (I Wanna)” they refer to as “Endurance Punk”. Recorded in one session, it repeats the words “Go Fuck Yourself” over and over (pretty much). It’s over the top, it’s awesome, and it deserves respect just for the fact they did it. 

Overall, if this isn’t one of the fresh, original pieces I’ve heard lately that doesn’t overproduce or sound like everyone else but stays true to oneself, even if that’s a repetition of a single phrase that rolls off the tongue so well. And if you don’t like it … “Go Fuck Yourself.”

Buy the shit on Bandcamp at, and “Follow” them on Instagram. Do it, do it now!

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